Bitch Loves Us, Three Times Over

BItch 2011Three NYU Press titles are reviewed in the Summer 2011 issue of Bitch Magazine:

Toilet, edited by Harvey Molotch and Laura Noren, “The 12 essays in Toilet make clear that public toilets are anything but neutral, and argue that, in fact, restrooms–not just their design but where and to whom they are available–are loaded with cultural insights into views on race, sex, ability, and class…Toilet imparts a lesson: Pay attention. Those issues that most quietly fall into the background, unquestioned and seemingly benign, may be the most loaded and deserving of scrutiny.”

Fat Shame, by Amy Farrell, “As part of an actual campaign against weightism, as opposed to Colbert’s satirical one, Fat Shame allows us to see how discrimination against fat people became a central feature of American life. Armed with this history, we can better imagine a day when the declaration Farrell made on The Colbert Report–“I like the word ‘fat'”–won’t be greeted with laughter.

Unhitched, by Judith Stacey, “Unhitched thoughtfully explains how unconventional relationships can thrive across cultures with some intention and practice…The book says it’s about love and marriage, but it’s actually about parenthood and the myriad of ways a family can look to support raising children well.”

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