Raising a Better Brooklyn

The New York Times talked about the continuing problems with regulating nannies in NYC, despite reforms. They quoted the author of Raising Brooklyn: Nannies, Childcare, and Caribbeans Creating Community in the article.

While the lack of consistency in the compensation bothers her, she said she was unlikely to voice those concerns. “To raise these kinds of issues can be very uncomfortable,” she said, asking that her surname not be published because she did not want to anger her employers.

Tamara Mose Brown, author of “Raising Brooklyn,” a book about Caribbean child care workers published this year, said those conversations might become more common, but only if the law is well publicized and enforced. “If domestic workers aren’t seeing the accountability and don’t see any publicity of these cases, they won’t know,” said Ms. Mose Brown, an assistant professor of sociology at Brooklyn College.

Mr. Rosales, the Labor Department spokesman, said enforcement of the law would largely rely on complaints from workers and advocates.

He said four of the five complaints filed so far were still pending, preventing him from discussing them. The fifth involved $2,551 in overtime pay owed to a New York City housekeeper, he said. The Labor Department forced the employer to pay the sum, and to pay the state $2,000 in penalties.

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