Spreadable Media: Online

Media scholars, communication professionals, and social media fans—rejoice! The online component of Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture has launched!


This extension of the printed book (which publishes in early 2013) offers additional #spreadablemedia material you won’t find in the text, including web exclusive essays by a range of contributors who have shaped the argument put forth in Spreadable Media.


To kick things off, we’re featuring web exclusive essays from recent Futures of Entertainment conference speakers.

The one and only Henry Jenkins offers us two exclusive essays: “Twitter Revolutions?” and “Joss Whedon, the Browncoats, and Dr. Horrible.”

Electrified Games designer Alec Austin considers the emotional dimensions of a “moral contract” between producers and audiences in his essay, “The Implicit Contract.”

Ted Hovet, film studies director at Western Kentucky University, examines the way archival content is appraised for value by students and instructors alike in “YouTube and Archives in Educational Environments.”

Anthropologist Grant McCracken explores how companies describe the economic and cultural value generated by audience activities in “Consumers or Multipliers?” 

Sheila Murphy Seles, Director of Digital and Social Media for the Advertising Research Foundation, details the economic value of audience engagement in “Chuck v. Leno.”

Ana Domb, Director of Brand Innovation at Almabrands in Chile, describes complex forms of participation around a Brazilian popular music form in her case study, “Tecnobrega’s Productive Audiences.”

And finally, Xiaochang Li—doctoral student in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communications at NYU—explores the transnational movement of media in “Transnational Audiences and East Asian Television.”

Check ’em out, and stay tuned at http://spreadablemedia.org/essays—where each week leading up to the book’s publication, a new batch of exclusive essays will be released.

(And hey! Feel free to debate/critique/trash each piece in the comments section. Expand the conversation, transform the ideas. That’s how spreadable media works.)

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