Category: American Studies

Protest Waves in Post-Liberal America

Protest Waves in Post-Liberal America

—Dawson Barrett
Americans are voting at the ballot box and with their feet—with a plethora of protests. This “movement of movements” is confronting issues like human caging, poverty, the de-funding of public institutions, global instability, and the de-regulation of industry.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Crazy Rich Asians

What We Talk About When We Talk About Crazy Rich Asians

—Lori Kido Lopez
Effective Asian American media activism requires analyses of media industries and audiences as well as readings of a film’s specific meaning and how fictional representations connect to larger structures of racism.

Black Lives, Black Power, and Black Catholics

Black Lives, Black Power, and Black Catholics

—Matthew J. Cressler
All too often, in both history and historiography, “racial justice” is presumed to be equivalent to a particular mode of protest from a particular period in time; namely, Christian liberal interracial efforts to end segregation in the South. But when we turn our attention to the decade after King’s death, we find that the assassination of Martin Luther King marked the beginning rather than the end of Black Catholic freedom struggles.

Common Laughter

Common Laughter

—Albert Sergio Laguna
Relationships and connections between Miami and Cuba are being forged and lived by the people building and maintaining them across the Florida Straits. The increasing fluidity of popular culture across creates a web of common references, shared experiences, and points of contact that is contributing to an intensifying transnational cubanía.

From the March for Science to an Abolitionist Science

From the March for Science to an Abolitionist Science

—Britt Rusert
An abolitionist science moves beyond generic defenses of science in an age of populist skepticism and backlash, requiring an evaluation of different types of science and an excavation of their specific relationships to forms of power and exploitation.