Category: Latina/o Studies

Migrating Toward Black-Brown Solidarities

Migrating Toward Black-Brown Solidarities

—Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
In their new book South Central Dreams, Hondagneu-Sotelo and Manuel Pastor tell the story of Latinx immigrants in South Los Angeles.

Remove the Sword of Damocles from DACA

Remove the Sword of Damocles from DACA

—Michael A. Olivas and Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
The legal and historical roots of DACA run deep and represent one form of prosecutorial discretion exercised by DHS during the Obama administration.

Mobilizing Threat

Mobilizing Threat

—Greg Prieto
Avoidance and isolation offer immigrants short term protection from the reach of law enforcement, but also form a barrier to participation in the form of agency that is most likely to deliver long term relief: social movement organizing.

Fear and Learning

Fear and Learning

—Glenda M. Flores
Schools are not set up to support Latina/o students, especially those with undocumented parents. Often, Latina educators have to fill resource gaps. These kinds of issues will only become more pronounced as the Latina/o population grows across the United States and as they come under attack in the Trump era.

Love Doesn’t Trump Hate

Love Doesn’t Trump Hate

—Lee Bebout
White supremacy is reinforced by and persists because of a complex of emotions. Love does not exist above and beyond hate in a distinct sphere. Love and hate are side by side, they stick together, they intermingle, they interpenetrate. “Love Trumps Hate” is a catchy slogan, but these words do something that we cannot continue. They hinder understanding.