Category: Media Studies

The Price of Freedom in Orange Is the New Black

The Price of Freedom in Orange Is the New Black

—Jill A. McCorkel
Season three of Orange is the New Black introduced us to a new character, one that you won’t find on listed among the show’s cast or analyzed in any detail on the many blogs devoted to the series. The character in question is Management & Correction Corporation (MCC), the private corporation that receives a contract from the feds to take over day-to-day operations of Litchfield prison.

Survivor’s Guilt

Survivor’s Guilt

—Bernadette Barton
Wrapping my head and heart around the murder of 49 queer people while they were dancing in a gay bar in Orlando, beneath the familiar numb feeling accompanying another story of loss, horror, and violence, is survivor’s guilt. I feel an enormous teary affection for all us struggling to digest the consequences of so many queer lives lost in the very place that is supposed to be our haven, and by someone who, had he allowed it, might so easily have been one of us.

Forget What You’ve Heard about Youth and American Politics

Forget What You’ve Heard about Youth and American Politics

—Henry Jenkins
Forget what you’ve heard about youth being ignorant and apathetic about American politics. Young people are tapping into a broad range of different platforms and practices, seeking change “by any media necessary.”

Beyond Monogamous Marriage in House of Cards

Beyond Monogamous Marriage in House of Cards

—Mimi Schippers
Unlike most mainstream media that feature representations of “extramarital affairs” as a signifier of bad character or as a cautionary tale, HOC offers both a positive representation of polyamory and a narrative glimpse of its potential to take us “beyond [traditional] marriage” by encouraging us to rethink relationships, gender, and sexuality.

The Difference a Mutant Makes

—Ramzi Fawaz [This piece originally appeared on Avidly.] Like any good origin story, I’ve told this one a thousand times: The first comic book I ever read was X-Men #80, the 35th Anniversary issue… READ MORE