Category: Race & Ethnicity

Same-gender-loving big men of color

Same-gender-loving big men of color

—Jason Whitesel
Bear culture for husky, hirsute gay men remains predominantly white. But three annual events, Heetizm Myami, Big Boy Pride, and Heavy Hitters Pride, focus on men of size and color, providing a space for celebration and solidarity.



—Robert F. Reid-Pharr
We must reevaluate the strength of the words we produce, that we might produce work equal to the profound need and grand promise of our difficult and interesting times.

Irish-Americans: Remember from whence you came

Irish-Americans: Remember from whence you came

—Paul Moses
On this St. Patrick’s Day in the midst of a bitter national debate over immigration, Paul Moses remembers John F. Kennedy’s A Nation of Immigrants. “The Irish,” wrote Kennedy, “were the first to endure the scorn and discrimination later to be inflicted, to some degree at least, on each successive wave of immigrants by already settled ‘Americans.’ “

Resistance Now and Then

Resistance Now and Then

—Gerald Horne
African American history provides a textbook for resistance against oppressors and points in a similar direction: that is, to be effective in the U.S., resistance—dialectically—must be global.

Love Doesn’t Trump Hate

Love Doesn’t Trump Hate

—Lee Bebout
White supremacy is reinforced by and persists because of a complex of emotions. Love does not exist above and beyond hate in a distinct sphere. Love and hate are side by side, they stick together, they intermingle, they interpenetrate. “Love Trumps Hate” is a catchy slogan, but these words do something that we cannot continue. They hinder understanding.