Category: Women’s Studies

Immigrating women

“In the first decade of the 21st-century, the image of the typical immigrant in the American imagination… is that of a working-class Mexican or Central American man. This stereotype continues… READ MORE

Happy Valentine’s Day from NYU Press

As Pope Gelasius I, the last pope of African descent, may have said when he first established a feast day for multiple St. Valentines in the 5th century, “Who needs… READ MORE

The New Breastfeeding Debate

Joan Wolf’s Is Breast Best? continues to generate waves for its controversial take on the politics of breastfeeding. MacLean’s conducts a thorough interview: Q: You write that the modern pressure… READ MORE

Breastfeeding Battle Book

The Chronicle of Higher Education blog published a preview piece on our upcoming book, Is Breast Best? by Joan B. Wolf. The debate has already taken a heated tone. Talk… READ MORE

How to Fight Like a Girl

Feminists for Choice posted an illuminating interview with Megan Seely, author of Fight Like a Girl: How to be a Fearless Feminist 2. Why do you think many younger women… READ MORE

Radical Black Women, Reviewed

At H-Net, Antonio Lopez (University of Texas, El Paso) submits a glowing and thorough review of Want to Start a Revolution? Radical Women in the Black Freedom Struggle, edited by… READ MORE

The Anthropology of Girls Kissing Girls

Leila Rupp’s book, Sapphistries, has been getting an awful lot of attention online, even showing up at the livejournal of an “Evil Librarian.” But by far the biggest debate has… READ MORE