Looking Further Behind Stonewall

—Leila J. Rupp As celebrations for LGBTQ Pride month take off around the country and world, we often look back to Stonewall, but rarely much further. For me, the diversity… READ MORE

Before and After Marriage Equality

—Thomas A. Foster Marriage equality may be a modern concept but same-gender love, of course, is no recent phenomenon. Writing in 1779, Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the treasury… READ MORE

LGBT Parenthood and the Law

—Carlos A. Ball A pioneering federal lawsuit filed earlier this month by the ACLU in North Carolina encapsulates both the progress and the challenges faced by LGBT parents in our… READ MORE

Title IX Turns 40

—Deborah Brake June 23, 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of one of our greatest civil rights laws, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which bans discrimination based on… READ MORE

LGBT Pride Round-up

We take serious pride in our diverse collection of LGBT studies books (and authors). So, in honor of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, we put together a dynamic list of… READ MORE