Month: May 2010

Are You Chained to the Desk?

WSOC-TV in Charlotte, NC, offers a test from Bryan Robinson, author of Chained to the Desk (Second Edition): A Guidebook for Workaholics, Their Partners and Children, and the Clinicians Who… READ MORE

Dances with Things—and Prizes, too!

Although books are said to be born at the moment of publication, the early stages of conceptualization and writing are excellent opportunities to introduce key themes from your larger work…. READ MORE

Two Guys at Guantanamo

Amherst Magazine profiled one editor and one contributor, both alumnae, from The Guantanamo Lawyers. What have I taken away from this experience?” Repeating a question, Park Avenue attorney Paul Winke… READ MORE

Girl Zines Get Reviewed

Broken Pencil, a magazine of zine culture (is that… redundant? an oxymoron?), put up a highly intelligent review of Alison Piepmeier’s Girl Zines. Scholastic attention to girl zines is relatively… READ MORE

What is the Flag?

In this original blog post, Arnaldo Testi, author of Capture the Flag: The Stars and Stripes in American History, discusses four very different encounters with the Stars and Stripes. In… READ MORE

The Toilet Critic

A recent NYTimes article on the various public bathrooms in the city’s parks consulted Harvey Molotch, the editor of our upcoming Toilet: The Public Restroom and the Politics of Sharing…. READ MORE

Live Better in New Jersey

That’s the news from the American Human Development Project as reported by the Wall Street Journal. NYU Press will be publishing the 2010-2011 version of AHDP’s report, Measure of America,… READ MORE