Category: News

Werewolf Bar Mitzvah: A Spooky, Scary Reading List

Werewolf Bar Mitzvah: A Spooky, Scary Reading List

—Sydney Garcia and Sarah Bode
NYU Press’s Sydney and Sarah pulled some or our scariest titles together to make this Halloween reading list extra spooky! Read now and get 37% off on our site!

Connecting the dots on Brett Kavanaugh

Connecting the dots on Brett Kavanaugh

—Laura E. Gómez
Details on the truths and lies of the Brett Kavanaugh US Supreme Court Nomination hearings and other events haunting Kavanaugh’s nomination

Stormy Daniels’ Stripper Skills May Save the Day

Stormy Daniels’ Stripper Skills May Save the Day

— Bernadette C. Barton
Barton discusses Stormy Daniels as a prime example of how working in the sex industry empowers women, even in when up against a bully like Donald Trump. Daniels’ background may prove a benefit rather than a burden in her attack of Trump to show the American public the truth about their president.

Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh

—Stephen Gottlieb
With recent developments in the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing confirmation and rape allegations, author Stephen Gottlieb comments on the abuses of power on display

Mobilizing Threat

Mobilizing Threat

—Greg Prieto
Avoidance and isolation offer immigrants short term protection from the reach of law enforcement, but also form a barrier to participation in the form of agency that is most likely to deliver long term relief: social movement organizing.

Protest Waves in Post-Liberal America

Protest Waves in Post-Liberal America

—Dawson Barrett
Americans are voting at the ballot box and with their feet—with a plethora of protests. This “movement of movements” is confronting issues like human caging, poverty, the de-funding of public institutions, global instability, and the de-regulation of industry.

Back to school, back to testing

Back to school, back to testing

—Glenda M. Flores
Latina teachers serve as cultural guardians to their Latino students, but this may provoke a perfect storm in multiracial schools because of the different ways students are racialized and high stakes tests that primarily focus on English language acquisition.