Year: 2017

How the social gospel movement explains the roots of today’s religious left

How the social gospel movement explains the roots of today’s religious left

—Christopher H. Evans
The idea of “social salvation” that was critical to Walter Rauschenbusch, A.J. Muste and Martin Luther King Jr. is galvanizing the activism of a new generation of religious progressives. Can the religious left achieve the public status of the religious right and become a potent political force?

Fear and Learning

Fear and Learning

—Glenda M. Flores
Schools are not set up to support Latina/o students, especially those with undocumented parents. Often, Latina educators have to fill resource gaps. These kinds of issues will only become more pronounced as the Latina/o population grows across the United States and as they come under attack in the Trump era.

What the Handmaid’s Tale Reminds Us About Gender Equality

What the Handmaid’s Tale Reminds Us About Gender Equality

—Kara Ellerby
Despite all our ‘progress’ in women’s rights and gender equality, these same rights are still up for debate. Part of the problem is thinking that promoting some women is enough. If we fail to consider the rights of racial minorities and LGBTQ citizens and ignore class inequalities, then we fail at gender equality.

Pride and Prejudice: Gay Rights, Animus, and Animus

Pride and Prejudice: Gay Rights, Animus, and Animus

—William D. Araiza
As we reflect on Gay Pride, and on both the accomplishments of the gay rights movement as well as the challenges that even today LGB (and especially T) people continue to face in this post-Obergefell world, it’s more important than ever to understand what “animus” means, not just on the streets, but in the courtroom.

Same-gender-loving big men of color

Same-gender-loving big men of color

—Jason Whitesel
Bear culture for husky, hirsute gay men remains predominantly white. But three annual events, Heetizm Myami, Big Boy Pride, and Heavy Hitters Pride, focus on men of size and color, providing a space for celebration and solidarity.